Year Four

Alodie Joy Abagatnan

Alodie is a IV-Einstein student of Tabaco National High School
and regarded as one of the achievers in their institution. She has been a consistent honor student and was recently hailed as the Miss Intramural 2011.
Alianna   Alghamdi

As part of the school's top section, Alianna possess good qualities of an effecient leader and an intellectual Einstein student. She is one of the Year IV Representatives in the Supreme Student Government Organization. 

Lyra Marie Bermundo

Lyra is one of the IV-Einstein students of Tabaco National High School. She has been active in some co-curricular activities such as the Sayawit group contest in Science and is a member of certain school organizations.

Shaira Brizuela

Shaira is a student of beauty and fashion yet a responsible IV-    Einstein student of Tabaco National High School. She is also active in different school organizations.

Jason Cirio

A big man with a big heart. A big heart for others and a big heart for the environment. A IV- Einstein student of TNHS whose concern is really for the betterment of the environment.
My name is Jason Cirio, 16 years of age and believes that measuring the amount of rainfall is a great way to inform the public about disaster preparedness.
Arra Francia

Arra is a IV-Einstein student who is marked for her good speaking ability in discussing certain matters. She is the current Associate Editor in the school's official publication in English, the Vanguard.

       Year Three

Adrian Joseph Alvarez

A Man of many talents and a Man who cares for nature. He is Adrian Joseph R. Alvarez, 15 years of age and a III- Dalton student of Tabaco National High School. He is part of the school’s official publication: The Vanguard. He writes about the current happenings in the school and the environment. He is a student with good virtues and aims for success through leadership and trust in his capabilities.

Jane Hearty Bolata

My name is Jane Hearty Rabe Bolata. I’m a third year student of Tabaco National High School. In our school I’m not a popular student because of that it is a little bit difficult to be one of the leaders in our school. But despite of that my passion in helping others remains the same. Luckily I became an appointee member of TNHS Project Rain Gauge that to spark awareness in the study of earth science by building online meteorological data provided by a network of public high schools who monitor and record rainfall observations around the country. I will not miss this kind of opportunity to aid people and to help the team in reaching their goals.  

Jefferson Bore
Being in a science-oriented curriculum has its advantages; yet it has also a handful of predicaments. That is from, the broad mind of Jefferson C. Bore, a III-Dalton student. Born with a natural courage and a persistent spirit, this young lad is truly simple but has the urge to do great things with inhumanly effort.

Sharon Mae Broncano

Born as a nature-lover, the simple and humble third-year science oriented student of the most prestigious institute of Tabaco National High School, Sharon Mae G. Broncano enjoys her life as she enjoys serving for the community especially for the sake of mother earth. She may be quiet at times, but has many ideas that in her mind speaks up.A dedicated student, she is an active member of the Filipino school paper, ”Ang Tanod” and she’s the feature editor. An active member of the PRG Team and enjoys being one because she shows in her own simple  way her love and care for the environment.

Mary Ann Canon

A dedicated student and a simple person yet unique in many ways. This is how I define, Mary Ann Canon as a person. Gifted with unique talents and an extraordinary personality, many achievements were reached by this student through the application of her sense of leadership and self-confidence.

Christine Flores

Being a student of Engineering Science Education Program of the third year, I have gained knowledge in different fields but one of the most important is about taking care of our beloved mother nature. A plain student back in the lower years and now in a member of the organization called PRG Team who takes care of the environment. I, Christine B. Flores has shown my own little way to save and takes  good care  of the environment through the aid of the said organization.

Mikhael Kevin Regalado

"I've always loved seeing things grow. nature has its way of taking possession of me, and it never really fails. I dream of becoming great and doing big things especially in helping save the environment. I am just glad that school organizations make it possible for a student like me to put my thumbs to it. As a member of Tabaco National High School’s Project Rain Gauge, i am proud that i get to put into actions the things that i learn in school about securing the future of our only planet."

Year Two

 Lovely Shane Borbor

I am Lovely Shane B. Borbor, 13 years old, and is a person who loves caring for the environment. Being a student gifted with the knowledge about environmental preservation, I am willing to pursue the things which environmentalists can do to preserve nature. The intuition beneath every person about the environment is different. We also know that sharing is really caring therefore when you share it to preserve Mother Earth, you love and care, not just for me but for everyone. Concealing the fact that we won't or I won't exist in this world forever, I will teach people which could serve as a pathway or a light that shines throughout eternity. Saving nature is just a challenge for everyone. Let's all treat it like a person.Every cut or wound in our body is like a mountain without trees. Helping one another is a solution.

Jenny Maureen Gonzales

Jenny is a II-I student of Tabaco National High School who highly shows her good leadership and academic performance. She has always been active in different school organizations.

Rian Joseph Gurimbao

I can consider myself like a cloud in the sky:
1.Calm- in handling difficult tasks and responsibilities.
2.Flexible- in interacting with different types of people, like the way a       cloud goes with the wind
3.Sensitive- in changes happening around me. Every slight change can affect us as an individual and as a leader.

But even a shy cloud can turn into raging typhoon. What happens on earth, disturbs everything in the sky.
As a steward of nature and its gifts, it is my responsibility, to protect these treasures.
As response to increasing demmand , youth pioneers are one of increasing elites in environmental preservation . I'm Rian Joseph Gurimbao a proud member of the PRG Team
and I promise to do my best to help in saving the environment.

Lira Mae Mendoza

Lira is a II- Darwin student of Tabaco National High School. Besides her known ballet skills she is also regarded as one of the members of the winning Sayawit team in Science in Baguio last summer.