Tuesday, October 4, 2011

TNHS Rain Gaugers visits TSCES

To develop the love and care for Mother Nature, and to awaken the students’ awareness on environmental issues, the Youth for Environment and Schools’ Organization (YES-O) of Tabaco South Central Elementary School initiated a symposium on Climate Change on the 27th day of August 2011, in the school’s Social Hall, Tabaco City, inviting the Tabaco National High School’s Project Rain Gauge Team as facilitators and resource speakers of the said event.

The symposium started with a prayer and was immediately followed by a warm welcome address of the host school’s principal, Mrs. Gloria C. Celestial.  Afterwards, a lengthy yet meaningful and thought-provoking message was delivered by the Division Education Program Supervisor in Science, Mrs. Myrna Gonzales, who gave much emphasis on the importance of possessing positive attitudes towards one’s studies.
A brief introduction was also accounted to the resource speaker by the master of ceremony, Mrs. Ofelia B. Fitzgibbon. Mr. Ronaldo Reyes, the discussant and the PRG Team Adviser was known to be one of the ten outstanding teachers of Albay and an international Chemistry awardee. He tackled topics regarding  global warming and rainfall monitoring. It was followed by the two hour workshop handled by the PRG Team officers. The Environmental Theatre Arts and Chemistry Tricks comprised the said workshop.
The distribution of plaque to the guest speaker and certificates to the student facilitators of TNHS together with the 80 participating students of TSCES, from the third grades’ YES-O officers up to the sixth grade leaders ended the program with Mrs. Celestial’s closing remarks.
As the old adage says, “Most of the disasters and calamities in this world are not caused by people who have complete bodies and limbs, but incomplete minds and spirits.” With this guiding principle, the team wanted to awaken the students’ sleeping minds and souls towards their wrong practices and for them to develop the optimism for a safer environment. 

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